Liam Connelly

Liam Connelly


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Mr. Connelly joined Athabasca in the spring of 2005 and currently teaches as a Tutor in Communications, Legal Studies, and Jurisprudence, and as an Academic Expert in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations. He holds a B.A. Honours in Legal Studies from Carleton University, with a focus on Law, Economy and History. Liam went back to his family's roots in Scotland where he studied Scots, English and European Law. He undertook his Articles and was called as a Barrister and Solicitor to the Bar of Alberta in 1998. He returned to the UK to undertake his Masters in Intellectual Property where he was awarded First for his Dissertation on The Inter Jurisdictional Treatment of Trademarks and Domain Names. That year he was awarded the Moraio Atoke Memorial Prize.

Mr. Connelly, as Senior Counsel lawyer at Local Legal advises small business in the areas of Intellectual Property, Privacy Law, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) issues and Employment Law and Wills and Estates. He worked in conjunction with Connelly Consulting, on legal / policy aspects of records and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) issues, for the Edmonton Police Services and for Alberta Blue Cross. His current work also involves him into the realm of social justice issues dealing with the revolving door of those in the criminal justice system. He is in house legal counsel to a non-profit startup that hopes to make a difference for those caught in that system. He resides in St. Albert, Alberta.

Research interests

  • Law and Technology
  • Law and Society

Educational credentials

  • BA Hons Law (Carleton)
  • LL.B (Dundee)
  • LL.M (Bucks - dist)

Professional affiliations

  • Member of the Law Society of Alberta