Educational Studies

The Educational Studies focus area takes a critical foundations approach to understanding educational issues and practices by drawing on a range of theories and methods from history, sociology, cultural studies, economics, political science, philosophy, and psychology. This approach provides a critical, integrated understanding of the relationships between instructors, students, educational organization(s), and society.

This focus of study will be of interest to teachers and other school professionals (administrators, counsellors, and psychologists), as well as those who wish to develop a greater understanding of the forces that shape and influence public policy and practice.

Educational studies is flexible and allows students to configure courses to address individual interests. For example, a teacher or administrator who wants to create ways to address racial, ethnic, and cultural differences may create a cluster of courses with social justice themes. Another cluster of courses may be created for a policy analyst (administrator and adult educator) interested in understanding colleges and universities as sites of leadership, change, and transformation.

Foundational course

Grouped study

grouped study foundational courses
EDST 635 – Foundations of Education in Canada (3)

Educational Studies electives

Grouped study

grouped study educational studies electives
EDST 630 – Transformative Learning for Social Change (3)
EDST 632 – Global Education (3)
EDST 645 – Curriculum: Provoking Inquiry (3)
EDST 646 – Educational Administration, Policy, Leadership, and Change (3)
EDST 647 – Critical Multicultural Education in Canada (3)
ENVS 689 – The Political Ecology of Global Environment Change (3)
GOVN 505 – Innovative Public Management (3)
INST 511 – Indigenous Knowledge and Education (3)
MAIS 603 – Community Development (3)
MAIS 604 – Planning and Action for Community Change (3)
MAIS 610 – Work and Society (3)
MAIS 628 – Gender and Sexuality (3)
MAIS 635 – Equality in Context (3)
MAIS 642 – Program Planning, Evaluation, and Instructional Methods in Adult Education (3)
MAIS 644 – Adult Education, Community Leadership, and the Crisis of Democracy (3)
MAIS 645 – Understanding Work and Learning (3)
MAIS 658 – Critical Disability Studies: The Making of Normal Bodies (3)
MAIS 663 – Critical Race Theory in Global Context (3)
MDDE 601 – Introduction to Distance Education and Training (3)
MDDE 611 – Foundations of Adult Education (3)
MDDE 612 – Experiential Learning (3)
MDDE 614 – International Issues in Open and Distance Learning (3)
MDDE 631 – Inclusive Leadership and Practice in Education (3)
MDDE 632 – Leadership in Education Innovation (3)
MDDE 665 – Collaboration and Mentorship in Educational Environments (3)
PSYC 576 – Assistive Technology (3)
PSYC 589 – Learning Disabilities: Issues and Interventions (3)
WGST 505 – Decolonizing Mental Health (3)

Individualized study

individualized study educational studies electives
BEHV 655 – Self-Directed Behaviour (3)
GLST 611 – Social Movements (3)
GOVN 500 – Governance and Leadership (3)
HIST 632 – Gender, Race, Racism, and the History of Classical Scholarship (3)
MAIS 638 – What I Tell You May Not Be True: Autobiography, Discourse Analysis, and Post-Colonialism (3)
MAIS 640 – Grounded Theory, Exploration, and Beyond (3)
MAIS 650 – Canadian and International Labour Education (3)
WGST 547 – Rethinking Science and Technology: Gender, Theory, and Practice (3)

Updated July 13, 2023 by Digital & Web Operations (