Bachelor of Arts, French Major - Learning outcomes

As a result of completing this program, students should be able to:

  • Interpret some of the great moments of political and intellectual thought in France from the "Moyen-Age" to the 21st Century and in Modern day French Canada, through a study of representative literary texts.
  • Distinguish between the various genres such as: "le roman", "le conte", "la nouvelle" , "le théâtre ", and "la poésie".
  • Apply the basic terminology of French literary criticism, French versification and various literary analysis tools in literary discussion.
  • Write clearly and cogently in a variety of modes and tenses on various topics and literary genres in French.
  • Analyse the commonalities and the differences between the writings of men and women writers in French and Francophone culture.
  • Illustrate mastery of the “dissertation littéraire”, a rigorous, structural approach to literary analysis and commentary.
  • Conduct independent research with scholarly rigour, complexity and depth in regards to French and Francophone language, culture and literature.
  • Apply original and creative thinking showing a high level of competence in written and oral French appropriate to the final years of a four-year degree in French.

Possible career options

  • Translator/Interpreter
  • Foreign Student Advisor
  • Customs Officer
  • Import Specialist
  • Foreign Service Officer
  • International Relations Officer
  • Literary Translator
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) Teacher
  • work in institutions (banks, insurance companies) where French service is offered to clients

Updated December 08, 2021 by Digital & Web Operations (