Athabasca University to collaborate on space and health innovation research

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Provincial government invests $27.3 million in research and commercialization projects

Athabasca University (AU) researchers are collaborating with colleagues across Alberta to advance research and commercialization in health and space-defence technologies.

The Government of Alberta announced $27.3 million in funding through the Major Innovation Fund. The grant program provides funding to the universities of Alberta and Calgary to lead projects focused on areas such as medical devices, electronic and mobile health, clean energy, and space and defence technologies.

As 1 of 4 comprehensive research universities in Alberta, AU will collaborate on 2 projects led by researchers at the U of C.

"By joining in this work together, our 4 universities bring diverse and world-leading expertise to grand challenges that affect the lives and futures of all Albertans and beyond," said Dr. Andrew Perrin, AU's associate vice-president of research, at the Sept. 5 announcement. "This sort of research collaboration and success in innovation is only possible with the foundational support of partners across ministries of the Government of Alberta, for which we are very grateful."

AU researchers are collaborating on the following projects.

Space-Defence Technologies Alberta

Project leads: Dr. Emma Spanswick and Dr. Susan Skone, U of C

AU investigators: Dr. Martin Connors and Dr. Oscan Lin

Space-Defence Technologies Alberta will engage over 400 researchers in joint academia-industrial partnerships to deliver disruptive solutions and train the next-generation skilled workforce. The program will establish Alberta as a global hub for innovation in space and defence technologies central to the future global economy.

Source: U of C

Learn more about Space-Defence Technologies Alberta

Health Everywhere

Project leads: Dr. Mary Brindle, U of C

AU investigators: Dr. Dunwei Wen, Dr. Ali Dewan

Alberta has pockets of excellence in digital health technologies (eHealth) and mobile health (mHealth) technologies. However, much of this excellence is disconnected and has tremendous untapped potential for collaboration and commercialization, and widespread adoption.

The vision of Health Everywhere is a vibrant eHealth and mHealth ecosystem in Alberta that builds on a foundation of strength in innovation to drive economic and technological growth.

Source: U of C

Learn more about Health Everywhere

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