Quiz: 16 things you didn't know about Athabasca University

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Test your knowledge of Athabasca University and its approach to open, online university study!

Choosing a university is a big decision with very real stakes for your future.

If you're reading this, chances are you're exploring your options with an eye toward universities that excel in flexible, online learning. Athabasca University (AU) definitely delivers, but did you know that we're also the only open university in Canada? That means our doors are open to almost anyone who wants a university education.

That's just one fun fact about AU. There's plenty more to discover with our interactive quiz: Is AU accredited? What's the minimum GPA? How many students go to AU?

Test your knowledge!

11 advantages of going back to school as a mature student

It's never too late to return to school. Mature students are in good company at AU, where the average age of an undergrad learner is 33. AU's Write Site shares why returning to school with some life experience can be a recipe for success.

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