Dr. Oscar Lin

Dr. Oscar Lin

Professor and Graduate Program Director

Contact information

Email: oscarl@athabascau.ca


I am a Full Professor of School of Computing and Information Systems, Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), of Athabasca University, Canada. I am currently serving as Graduate Program Director of FST.

I am currently working on an NSERC-funded project entitled “Eliciting Adaptive Sequences for Online Learning” (2021-2026). I am interested in developing intelligent and adaptive systems (e.g., adaptive immersive cyberlearning, intelligent manufacturing systems) using Virtual Reality, Multiagent Systems, and Reinforcement Learning.

I obtained my PhD from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hongkong, China in 1998. I am a senior member of ACM and a senior member of IEEE. Prior to joining AU in 2000, I was a Research Officer of Institute of Information Technology at National Research Council of Canada. I was a postdoctoral fellow of the University of Calgary in Canada during 1998-1999.

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Research interests

My current research interests focus on AI technologies for Constructing Online Adaptive Learning Environments which can provide personalized course materials and instant feedback to self-paced online learners. Also, I have been working on machine learning algorithms in particular multiarmed bandits (MAB) for sequential decision making, and multiagent reinforcement learning and their applications in manufacturing, transportation, online education, etc.

Educational credentials

  • Ph.D, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong, China, 1998
  • MSc. South China University of Technology (SCUT), Guangzhou, China, 1992
  • BSc. SCUT, Guangzhou, China, 1982

Professional affiliations

  • AI in Education (Member)
  • ACM (Senior Member)
  • IEEE (Senior Member)
  • Educational Data Mining (Member)