
Did you know?

Formal academic dress dates from medieval times and consist of a robe, a hood and sometimes a distinctive hat. Today, the hood, which was once worn to protect the scholar’s head and shoulders in inclement weather, is worn down the back and is kept in place by a neckband that rests on the shoulders. The degree which an AU graduate holds is indicated by the colour of the lining or trim on the hood.

Graduands from Certificate or Diploma programs wear a standard plain black graduation gown with a black cap and tassel.

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Purchase a convocation hood

As part of Athabasca University’s graduation regalia, graduands are required to wear a gown, hood, cap and tassel for our convocation ceremonies. Attendees will be provided with a complementary rental gown and hood to wear during the ceremony.

To purchase your own convocation hood, please complete the order form and mail or email it to the convocation team.

Orders are fulfilled when graduation status is confirmed by the Office of the Registrar.


Updated February 27, 2025 by Digital & Web Operations, University Relations (