Dr. Denise Buchner


Contact information

E-mail: dbuchner@athabascau.ca

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Dr. Denise Buchner

Dr. Denise Buchner


Contact information

Email: dbuchner@athabascau.ca


Dr. Denise Lynn Buchner has over 20 years experience providing technical support to health systems strengthening projects in complex environments. Much of her work has focused on designing monitoring, evaluation and data collection tools and protocols to support the implementation of Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) programs through facility and community based interventions, including programs that implemented Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) to provide life-saving medicines to women, children and communities. Denise has implemented numerous household surveys (>1,700 HHs), health facilities surveys (~50 HFs) and exit interview surveys using modified DHS/MICS tools for large MNCH intervention projects in Africa and South Asia. She currently works with UNICEF as a Household Survey Expert and is a Credentialed Evaluator registered with the Canadian Evaluation Society. Importantly, Denise has extensive skills for designing indicators for program performance measurement plans; she has extensive experience working with standardized MNCH indicators. Denise has a long career of working in the global south, including fragile and conflict affected contexts (South Sudan, Afghanistan), and is aware of the challenges and rewards of working in these complex environments.

Research interests

  • Global Health
  • Community Development
  • Health Systems Strengthening
  • Surveys
  • Qualitative research
  • Disability issues

Educational credentials

  • PHD, Global Health Research
  • MA Interdisciplinary Studies, Global Health
  • BEd., Special Education

Professional affiliations

  • Credentialed evaluator, Canadian Evaluation Society