Dr. Georgia Dewart

Assistant Professor

Contact information

E-mail: gdewart@athabascau.ca

Dr. Georgia Dewart

Dr. Georgia Dewart

Assistant Professor

Contact information

Email: gdewart@athabascau.ca


I began my career as a registered nurse in labour and delivery soon after graduating with my Bachelor of Science in Nursing. My experience working in acute care highlighted the numerous challenges that many patients, especially those within marginalized communities, have navigating the health care system.

This realization motivated my return to graduate studies to research HIV care, health equity, and harm reduction programs.

I completed my Doctorate of Nursing in 2019, and I joined Athabasca University in 2020. As a new faculty member, I have been focused on building a program of research centred on maternal health, health equity, narrative inquiry, and nursing education.

Ultimately, I hope that my research work will improve the experiences of women and families in our health system.

Discover my research

Research interests

  • Maternal Health
  • Health Equity
  • Sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBI)
  • Community Health
  • Harm Reduction
  • Nursing

Educational credentials

  • BScN
  • PhD

Professional affiliations

  • Registered Nurse