Kristin Petrovic

Kristin Petrovic

Assistant Professor

Contact information



My nurse educator practice is influenced by my bedside nursing practice from 2003- 2018. The nursing values I carry to my educator practice include caring, compassion, ethical practice and social justice. As both a former and current distance education student, I have developed a strong stance on the need for meaningful, critical, digital teaching and learning experiences. My praxis is informed by critical and open value systems that result in a person’s first approach. I value and practice with learner-centred, collaborative practices that honour the learner holistically. I hold the value of the process of learning as equal to the outcomes of learning. I believe my role is to coach, facilitate and mentor learners in developing self-awareness, efficacy and confidence to meet their unique goals.

In 2018 I started my Doctorate in Distance Education (EdD) at AU. I want to make an immediate and significant connection between theoretical foundations in open pedagogy and how nurse educators digital teaching and learning practices are situated within complex adaptive systems. I am committed as an educational researcher to unravelling the why’s and how’s of the praxis and advocacy for open pedagogy in digital distance nursing education.

Research interests

  • Open pedagogy in digital distance nursing education
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in health higher education
  • Transitioning from nurse to educator
  • Effective online teaching and learning in health education

Educational credentials

  • Doctor of Education in Distance Education student – Athabasca University (expected graduation 2023)
  • Master of Nursing (Teaching Focus) – Athabasca University 2015
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing – University of Alberta 2010
  • Nursing Diploma – Grant MacEwan College 200

Professional affiliations

  • Co-Chair- Alberta Nursing Education Administrators, Fall 2021-current
  • WNRCASN Member-current
  • CRNA Member 2003-current