Dr. Luisa Barton

Assistant Professor

Contact information

E-mail: luisabarton@athabascau.ca

Current courses

Dr. Luisa Barton

Dr. Luisa Barton

Assistant Professor

Contact information

Email: luisabarton@athabascau.ca


Luisa has been extensively involved in Nurse Practitioner education including teaching, research, consultation since 1999. She was one of the first NPs in Canada to be licensed in 1997 and she continues to practice as a Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner in Toronto, Ontario (where she resides) in areas of: sexual health, mental health and medical cannabis. Similarly, her research involves these areas of expertise as well as One Health—the integration of animal and human health. Her research has been disseminated at conferences, workshops and through publications.

Before joining Athabasca University on a full-time basis, Luisa held diverse leadership roles in academic and clinical environments. For the past two decades, she has been involved in consultation work with multiple nursing regulators and NP Programs across Canada. As well, Luisa has served on several community and non-profit health Boards in Ontario. In addition to this, she is passionate about volunteering in pet care/well-being services.

Luisa pursues a variety of interests outside of her work such as: ballet, yoga, cycling, travel, fashion.

Discover my research

Research interests

  • Sexual Health
  • Medical Cannabis
  • Mental Health--CBT

Educational credentials

  • BScN
  • MN
  • DNP
  • NP(PHC)

Professional affiliations

  • Associate Member, Yeates School of Graduate Studies
  • Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario