Dr. Lynn Miller

Academic Coordinator - NP Clinical Lead

Contact information

E-mail: lynn.miller@athabascau.ca

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Dr. Lynn Miller

Dr. Lynn Miller

Academic Coordinator - NP Clinical Lead

Contact information

Email: lynn.miller@athabascau.ca


I am a proud graduate of AU's MN:NP program and have been a sessional instructor since 2005, teaching most courses in the NP program over the years. I recently assumed the role of NP Clinical Lead and support NP students as they complete their NP clinical experiences. I have been involved as faculty with NP programs in Saskatchewan, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia as well as providing consultation for program development. I served as a policy consultant for the Nova Scotia College of Nursing upon completion of my Doctor of Nursing Practice from The George Washington University, which provided me the opportunity to gain valuable experience in policy analysis and development, governance and legislation and quality improvement research.

My NP practice over the years has included remote communities in Labrador and my current practice in rural Nova Scotia as well as virtual care. My NP clinician and educator roles are intricately linked and mutually beneficial; clinical practice grounds my teaching which in turn supports my clinical practice. I have a specific interest in the care of individuals with chronic pain and substance use disorders; and have served as a mentor and member of the Advisory Board for the Atlantic Mentorship Network: Pain and Addictions for many years. In my spare time I love to run and golf, just not at the same time!

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Research interests

  • Chronic Pain and Substance Use Disorders
  • Quality Improvement - Quality Assurance Modeling
  • Virtual Education Delivery Methodologies

Educational credentials

  • Bachelor of Nursing (Honors - 1983), University of New Brunswick (Fredericton)
  • Master of Nursing: Nurse Practitioner (2005), Athabasca University
  • Advanced Graduate Diploma: Adult Health Education (2007), Memorial University of Newfoundland
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice (2012), The George Washington University
  • Fellow of Regulatory Excellence (2015), National Council of State Boards of Nursing

Professional affiliations

  • Nova Scotia College of Nursing NP
  • College of Nurses and Midwives of PEI NP
  • College of Nurses of Ontario NP
  • College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan NP
  • College of Registered Nurses of Alberta NP
  • Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing
  • Dalhousie University, Adjunct Faculty, School of Nursing