Dr. Pamela Hawranik

Professor Emeritus

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Dr. Pamela Hawranik


Dr. Pamela Hawranik

Professor Emeritus

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Dr. Pamela Hawranik is a leader in administration, research, education, and clinical practice. She has held a wide range of positions within health care and advanced education, from being a public health nurse in rural Manitoba, a gerontological clinical nurse specialist, Executive Director for a community health centre, to full Professor.

At the University of Manitoba (U of MB), Dr. Hawranik held two leadership positions. The role of Associate Dean, Graduate Programs, within the Faculty of Nursing. The role of Associate Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies which held responsibilities across all graduate programs at the U of MB. In 2008 Pamea became the inaugural Dean for the newly created Faculty of Graduate Studies at Athabasca University. Later she accepted the role of Interim Associate Vice President Research and more recently the interim role of Dean for the Faculty of Health Disciplines.

Her applied research is focused on ‘making a difference’ in the quality of life of older adults and their informal caregivers. Her research findings have led to changes in important health care services.

As a volunteer, she has been a member of such boards of directors, as the Canadian Nurses Association, the Canadian Hospice and Palliative Care Association, the Canadian Association for Nursing Research, the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies, the Western Canadian Deans of Graduate Studies, and most recently the Alberta Health Quality Council. She also held positions as the Chair of national and provincial boards of directors in health care and advanced education. An accomplishment that she is very proud of is having been the co-founder of the first Food Bank in Canada outside of a major urban centre, which enabled her to assist subsequent food banks in Canada to be created. She has been awarded the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award, the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Award, and the Canadian Nurses Association Centennial Award, to name a few.

Research interests

  • Gerontological Nursing
  • Community services effectiveness
  • Dementia
  • Multi-methods research

Educational credentials

  • Bachelor of Nursing, University of Manitoba
  • Master of Nursing, University of Manitoba
  • PhD, Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba
  • Postdoctoral Studies, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota

Professional affiliations

  • College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
  • Canadian Nurses Association
  • Canadian Association for Gerontological Nursing