Dr. Tammy O'Rourke

Assistant Professor

Contact information

E-mail: tammyorourke@athabascau.ca

Current courses

Dr. Tammy O'Rourke

Dr. Tammy O'Rourke

Assistant Professor

Contact information

Email: tammyorourke@athabascau.ca


Dr. Tammy O’Rourke is a tenured Assistant Professor at Athabasca University. She is a NP-Family/All Ages and led the development of one of the initial NP-Led Clinics in Belleville, Ontario and served as the clinic’s Chief NP/Clinic Director for 4 years. More recently she co-led the development of a new primary care model for seniors in Edmonton, Alberta. Tammy has also held appointments at University of Alberta in Edmonton, AB, Dalhousie University in Halifax, and Loyalist College in Belleville, Ontario. Her program of focuses on creating and sharing knowledge to advance nursing’s professional position and capacity as leaders and primary providers in primary health care environments, including primary care teams. She has a special interest in the area of frailty experienced by seniors living in community.

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Research interests

  • Primary Care
  • Nursing Roles
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Frailty
  • Seniors Health

Educational credentials

  • BS/MS
  • PhD