Dr. Wonita Janzen


Dr. Wonita Janzen


Contact information

Email: wonita.janzen@athabascau.ca


I have a keen interest in health, with a strong background in health studies and social sciences. The focus of my previous work was in gerontology, chronic illness and health services with emphasis in quantitative research methods. Graduate degrees in Rehabilitation Medicine and Human Ecology (Family Studies) and many years of experience as a project manager and research consultant have provided me with the knowledge and experience to facilitate student learning in health and healthcare administration. I enjoy teaching and have been with AU for over a decade.

Research interests

  • Health studies
  • Chronic illness and disability
  • Aging and gerontology
  • Long-term and palliative care
  • Family caregiving
  • Healthcare services
  • Research methods

Educational credentials

  • PhD in Rehabilitation Medicine
  • MSc in Human Ecology (Family Studies)
  • BSc in Speech Pathology and Audiology