Services for community and TAL borrowers

Services for community borrowers

Because AU Library primarily serves the students, faculty and staff of Athabasca University, its collection focuses on university-level materials that support programs offered at AU. Nevertheless, individuals who live in the Athabasca area are welcome to use the library and its collections. Some materials in the library’s collection are restricted to use by AU students. These materials are normally found in the Course Materials collection.

To access your library account, click here. Library staff will assist with the use of library resources, including databases and basic Internet searching.

Library staff will not provide medical or legal advice.

All patrons are expected to abide by the policies of Athabasca University, including the Information Technology Electronic Data Security Policy.

Borrowing privileges

To become an external borrower, please provide your name, address and phone number to AU Library. Borrowing is subject to the following conditions:

  • Patrons must sign out material in person. Material will not be mailed out to external borrowers.
  • The loan period is four (4) weeks.
  • Materials may be renewed by contacting the library by phone or email. Renewals will be granted unless another patron is waiting for the item.
  • Materials are subject to recall.
  • Material can be returned after hours to the drop box outside the library entrance.
  • External borrowers may request that holds be placed on circulating material. Recalls will be placed at the discretion of library staff, taking into account the use of the material by the library’s primary clientele.
  • External borrowers will receive overdue notices and will be invoiced for materials that are not returned. Failure to clear overdues or invoices will result in a suspension of borrowing privileges.

Non-circulating materials

The following materials do not circulate:

  • Journal issues
  • Items in the Reference Collection
  • Course packages and course materials

Interlibrary loans

AU Library provides interlibrary loan services to external borrowers on a cost basis. Please contact the Interlibrary Loans office at 1-780-675-6251 or for details.

Most public library systems provide interlibrary loan services at no charge.

The Alberta Library Card

AU Library is a participating member in The Alberta Library (TAL) Card program. As such, individuals with TAL cards from another Alberta Library are welcome to borrow materials from AU Library. Some restrictions apply.

Updated July 29, 2022 by Digital & Web Operations (