Writing resources

The kind of writing you will do in your courses and programs at AU may vary by discipline. Below you will find selected resources to help you improve your writing offered by AU and beyond AU.

Offered by AU

AU’s Psychology Centre Writing Resources

Access a collection of links to writing resources, maintained by Professor Lyle Grant from the Centre for Psychology at AU. Useful for any discipline are:

Glossary of Grammatical Terms

This glossary, created by AU's Write Site, provides definitions for English grammatical terms.

The Write Site

This site is designed to assist students with academic writing assignments. Students can use this service to receive feedback about the writing component - organization, mechanics, grammar, and style - of an assignment before they submit it to a tutor for marking.

Transitional Devices - AU Write Site

This tutorial, created by AU's Write Site, provides assistance to writers in using transitional words and phrases to clarify the relationships between sentences.

Write On: Learn to Love Your Term Paper

Written by Julia Nielsen from AU Counselling Services, this online tutorial provides guidance to students writing term papers.

Offered beyond AU

Advice on Academic Writing

Access a collection of links and information from the University of Toronto for general help with writing as well as with specific types of writing such as annotated bibliographies, book reviews, literature reviews, etc.

Common Writing Assignments

The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University has created several guides to the most common academic writing assignments. They include argument, research, or exploratory papers; annotated bibliographies, book reports, and book reviews; academic proposals and essays for exams.

Updated September 22, 2022 by Digital & Web Operations (web_services@athabascau.ca)