Technical Problems Form

If you are experiencing technical problems accessing databases or other electronic resources through AU Library, please fill out the form below.

Include as much of the following information as you can:

  • Detailed description of the problem (including any error messages you see)
  • What type of computer you are using (PC or Mac)
  • What operating system is installed (Windows, Apple, Linux, etc...)
  • What browser you are using (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari etc...)
  • Where you are connecting from (home or work, mobile device etc.)
Thanks for your request. We will get you back as soon as possible. Click here to go back to AU Library homepage.
*Required fields

Note: The personal information collected on this form will be used for the purpose of processing your request for the assistance from AU Library. This personal information is collected under the authority of the Post Secondary Learning Act that mandates the programs and services offered by Athabasca University, and will be protected under the privacy provisions of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information, contact Elaine Fabbro, University Librarian, Library & Scholarly Resources, Athabasca University, 1 University Drive, Athabasca, AB, Canada T9S 3A3. Telephone 780-675-6819.

Updated July 24, 2024 by Digital & Web Operations (