Doctor of Business Administration

Regulations effective Sep. 1, 2024, unless otherwise noted.

As the first online Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) offered by a Canadian University, the Athabasca University (AU) online DBA fills an important niche role in management education by increasing access to doctoral-level studies for highly motivated management professionals in business, education, government, and not-for-profits.

The DBA focuses on researching practical business and managerial issues through knowledge building, critique, and the systematic application of relevant theories and research to management practice. It is designed for those who want to make direct impact on their organizations, industries and communities through improved management practice, and for those who want to upgrade from the master's level to the doctoral level. It is a research-based qualification with the same level of rigor and scholarship expected of any doctoral program.

Athabasca University has developed program learning goals that can assist you in making informed decisions about your career options upon graduating.

Information effective Sep. 1, 2024 to Aug. 31, 2025.

Updated November 20, 2024 by Office of the Registrar (