Letter of Permission

A Letter of Permission (LOP) is a document that states that a post secondary institution will allow the course be transferred in. It is issued by the post-secondary institution the student is enrolled in a program at. The Letter of Permission is a means of tracking the courses you take at other institutions. The letter also indicates to the external institution that you are a visiting student and provides you information regarding the transfer credit that will be awarded for external courses. While most students who submit a LOP would like the requested course(s) fit as a substitution into their program regulations, receiving the letter does not guarantee the course will fit.

There are two types of Letter of Permission: Outgoing and Incoming.

Outgoing Letter of Permission

Athabasca University program students request an LOP from Athabasca University asking permission to use an external course as transfer credit by filling out this form: Letter of Permission Request Form.

Incoming Letter of Permission: visiting students

Visiting students can request an LOP from their institution asking permission to take an Athabasca University course towards their program.

Information effective Sep. 1, 2024 to Aug. 31, 2025.

Updated July 16, 2024 by Office of the Registrar (calendar@athabascau.ca)