Preparing for your exam

Students must present a valid form of photo identification to an invigilator prior to being allowed to write an exam. The identification must be government issued (passport, driver's licence, etc.) or an Athabasca University-issued photo ID card.

Arrive promptly for your examination to allow for setup time. If you are using a virtual invigilator, it is recommended you double check your technical requirements the day of your exam. If you think you might be late, please contact your invigilator to discuss whether the exam can be written or must be rescheduled.

Check your course website beforehand to determine:

  • the maximum amount of time you have to complete the exam,
  • if you can bring specific items (like a calculator) into your exam,
  • the format of the exam (e.g. multiple choice, short answer, long answer, etc.).
Information effective Sep. 1, 2024 to Aug. 31, 2025.

Updated August 12, 2024 by Office of the Registrar (