Transcript requests

A transcript is a student’s official academic record at the time of the document’s production.

Your transcript will show only the grades that have been entered in your official student record at the time the online request is submitted. Before you submit your request online, preview your transcript to ensure it accurately reflects the academic record you expect to be issued. At this time, the transcript issued to MyCreds™ is a static document, and so if your academic record has changed since you last requested access, you will need to re-request it.

Most institutions or agencies require that official transcripts be sent to them directly from AU. AU issues secure digital transcripts through™. It is the student's responsibility to determine if the institution they are sending to accepts transcripts through MyCreds™. Payment to MyCreds™ is non-refundable.

AU does not recognize honours list recipients on the official student record, but will indicate the following:

  • current program of study and the associated total transfer credit awarded
  • non-credit courses completed at AU
  • grade-point average
  • course names and numbers, number of credits awarded
  • the final grade and corresponding 4-point grade value
  • the grade points and credit hours earned for each course registration
  • the term dates (year/month course(s) started)
  • courses challenged for credit (noted with CH) including unsuccessful challenges
  • re-registrations (noted with R) and repeated courses
  • suspensions and expulsions
  • graduation with distinction or great distinction.

Methods of requesting transcripts

No partial transcripts are issued, and only the student can request their own transcript. You may request your official transcript through your myAU portal.

In order to access and share official transcripts, AU students must sign up with MyCreds™, and pay the $10, plus tax, pay-to-unlock fee. Once paid, students will have unlimited access and ability to share transcripts for 365 days from date of issue. After that time, if a student needs to send a transcript, they must re-request their transcript and repay the pay-to-unlock fee through MyCreds™.


Letter of Certification

A Letter of Certification is an official confirmation of information that is not included on the student's transcript. Only the student concerned may request a Letter of Certification from AU and it will only be provided to students with no academic record in the system or on their AU transcript.

The request must:

  1. be made in writing and bear the student's full name, date of birth, mailing address, and student ID number;
  2. confirm the information to be included in the letter;
  3. bear the full name and contact information of the letter’s recipient;
  4. be emailed to Academic Records.
Information effective Sep. 1, 2024 to Aug. 31, 2025.

Updated August 27, 2024 by Office of the Registrar (