Admission status

Active students

Active students are those who are currently registered in an AU course or who have completed or withdrawn from an AU course within the last 12 months. The 12-month period is based on the most recent course contract date, course completion date, or the date of withdrawal from an AU course.

Students who complete courses on a Letter of Permission from AU also retain their active status.

Active students are able to log in to myAU where they have access to personal information such as their library account, assignment marks, and course grades, or take care of administrative matters such as registering for courses, booking examinations, or applying for extensions.

Inactive students

Inactive students are those who have not registered in an AU course within 12 months of the most recent course contract end date or the date of withdrawal from their last AU course.

Returning students with an inactive AU account, will need to log into myAU and reactivate their active status by completing a new Undergraduate General Application before they can register in courses.

Information effective Sep. 1, 2024 to Aug. 31, 2025.

Updated July 16, 2024 by Office of the Registrar (