Master of Nursing – Nurse Practitioner

Regulations effective Sep. 1, 2024, unless otherwise noted.

The Master of Nursing – Nurse Practitioner (MN-NP) program prepares nurses to assume a broader role in the provision of health services to clients of all ages as family nurse practitioners. It provides theoretical and clinical preparation for nurses whose role will focus on advanced nursing practice. Students in the nurse practitioner (NP) program are required to write a comprehensive examination upon completion of their NP courses. Registered nurses seeking initial NP licensure should apply to enrol in the MN-NP program.

Please note: Athabasca University (AU) is currently unable to accept applications from British Columbia for the Master of Nursing – Nurse Practitioner and Post-Masters Diploma – Nurse Practitioner programs. Unfortunately, due to the limited availability of clinical placements in the province, students are unable to complete program requirements. AU’s Faculty of Health Disciplines is working with the BC Ministry of Health to resolve this issue and plans to resume admission of BC-based students as soon as the practicum situation improves.

Due to provincial regulations, Athabasca University students are not permitted to complete any practicum hours in the province of Quebec.

Information effective Sep. 1, 2024 to Aug. 31, 2025.

Updated February 06, 2025 by Office of the Registrar (