Supplemental exams

If you are not satisfied with your initial examination mark (supplemental examinations do not apply to assignments, quizzes, or challenge courses) you may request and write one supplemental examination for each midterm or final exam required in your course. The higher of the two marks will be used in calculating your final course grade.

You have 90 days from the initial exam write date to request a Supplemental Exam. When you request a Supplemental Exam, you will be required to declare a write date. This declared write date must be within 30 days of the request. Once a write date has been declared and scheduled with AU, students are expected to complete the examination on this date. It cannot be changed or rescheduled.

If the supplemental exam is written after the course contract end date, you are not required to apply for a course extension.

Athabasca University charges a non-refundable fee for a supplemental examination. To avoid delay, ensure that this fee accompanies the Examination Request Form.

Supplemental examinations are requested the same way your initial exam was requested, by using the Examination Request form.



Information effective Sep. 1, 2024 to Aug. 31, 2025.

Updated December 09, 2024 by Office of the Registrar (