Bachelor of Arts, Minor in Psychology

Regulations effective Sep. 1, 2024.

The Psychology Minor is intended to meet the needs of students who recognize that an understanding and analysis of psychological processes is an important component of their education. The Psychology Minor is designed to provide undergraduate students with a broad overview of topics and domains in psychology, and knowledge and skills related to research methods within the field of psychology.

Program requirements for a Psychology Minor:

A minimum of 30 credits in designated Psychology courses including 15 senior-level (300 or 400 level) credits.

Required courses

(15 credits)

An introductory statistics course selected from one of the following:
MATH 215  – Introduction to Statistics (3)
MATH 216 – Computer-Oriented Approach to Statistics
SOCI 301 – Social Statistics
NOTE: We strongly recommend that students consider taking MATH 216 for this requirement as most quantitative data analysis is completed using computer software and this is a valuable skill both for future study and work in various fields.
PSYC 289 – Psychology as a Natural Science (3)
PSYC 290 – General Psychology (3)
PSYC 375 – History of Psychology (3)
PSYC 304 – Research Methods in Psychology (3)

Foundational courses

(A minimum of 9 credits selected from the following foundational courses)

PSYC 323 – Developmental Psychology Note: PSYC 228 and PSYC 323 are precluded courses, however, only PSYC 323 may be used for foundational course credit in the minor. (3)
PSYC 355 – Cognitive Psychology (3)
PSYC 356 – Introduction to Personality Theories and Issues (3)
PSYC 379 – Social Psychology (3)
PSYC 387 – Learning (3)
PSYC 302 – Biological Psychology (3)
PSYC 435 – Abnormal Psychology (3)

Elective courses

The remaining 6 elective psychology credits may be completed by taking the following courses:

Any PSYC course, including those from the Foundational Courses listed above
A maximum of one (1) course from the following list:
CRJS 360 – The Psychology of Criminal Behaviour (3)
ORGB 327 – Leadership in Organizations (3)
ORGB 364 – Organizational Behaviour (3)
Information effective Sep. 1, 2024 to Aug. 31, 2025.

Updated July 11, 2024 by Office of the Registrar (