Available funding

Providing you with the information you need to unlock funding programs and awards available at AU and beyond.

Assistance with student aid and award funding

At AU, you have access to both traditional sources for student funding, such as student loans and bursary programs, as well as specific awards and grants for students with disabilities.

Requirements for funding can vary across regions, nationally and internationally. In collaboration with your student financial aid advisor, we can help you navigate through this process to learn what applies to you. Which type of funding you are eligible for also depends on the following factors:

  • your present means of support
  • your course load and vocational goals
  • your eligibility for other funding programs
  • the cost of support service and technological requirements
  • your history with funding for education

We work with you to find funding opportunities based on your needs and eligibility. If you are ineligible or unsuccessful in applying for funding, we will support you in finding alternative solutions. Learn more about the various funding opportunities out there.

Guide to funding and student loans

Your AU student financial aid advisor can assist you to acquire financial aid.

Learn more about your financial aid options

Full time status on 40 percent course load

You may qualify to have a reduced course load.Find out if reduced course load applies to you

Canada studies grant for students with disabilities

In collaboration with our student financial aid advisors, we can help you apply for a Canada Studies Grant for Students with Disabilities.

Read the details about this grant

Employment assistance for people with disabilities

There are a variety of local and national resources available to assist people obtain entrepreneurial funding and resources for future employment opportunities.Explore entrepreneurial and employment funding opportunities

AU access fund for students with disabilities & other awards

Specific awards have been created at AU to support students to acquire technology, courses, and financial relief.See if you are eligible for an AU award

National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS)

The National Educational Association of Disabled Students is a consumer organization with a mandate to encourage the self-empowerment of post-secondary students with disabilities.Find out about NEADS

Get in touch with us

Get answers to any specific questions regarding our learning support services by contacting our team members directly.

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Updated February 14, 2023 by Digital & Web Operations (web_services@athabascau.ca)