Education and career planning

We help you choose the right AU program or courses to make your career aspirations a reality.

Define your career goals and plan the educational path to reach them

Are you on the right career path? Are you thinking about changing directions? As experienced advisors for education and career planning, we are able to offer you helpful insights, tools, and resources to clearly define your goals.

A career plan, much like a roadmap, will help guide you on a journey to self-discovery. To get started, explore our recommended steps to successful career planning:

Assess yourself

Based on your unique interests, skills, and values, our tools help match you with occupations that fit who you are.

Get started

Explore career options

This resource provides a résumé builder, assessment tools, goals, and career exploration activities.

See what’s possible

Plan your career and education

In just 4 questions, this self-assessment will help you explore your passions, strengths, and values as they relate to potential careers and AU programs.

Take the quiz

Take action

Choose the best option for your future and create an action plan to accomplish your education and career goals.

Create your own action plan

Get advice from Counselling Services

Request an appointment with a representative from AU's Counselling Services team to get education and career-planning support.

Request for assistance


Get help with your education and career planning with these resources created by AU's Counselling Services team.

View list of resources

What does it take to get qualified for some of our dream jobs?

From dietitian to lawyer or social worker, explore some of the most popular career options and learn how you can plan your education to get there.

Discover what it takes to become a(n):

Get in touch with us

Get answers to any specific questions regarding our learning support services by contacting our team members directly.

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Updated July 17, 2024 by Digital & Web Operations (