Advocacy, accessibility, and referral

Upon request Accessibility Services may need to act on behalf of a student to communicate with and make requests to faculty, AU departments, community organizations, and funding agencies.

Athabasca University and our Integrated Learning Environment are guided by the W3C Web Accessibility initiative Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) in our content, communications and documents. If you find an accessibility concern, please contact us.

This is one example of an accessibility checklist for online learning that can be applied to ICT (Information, Communication and Technology). It is a guide to assist us to create accessible content. With your assistance we can ensure AU is accessible. Contact Accessibility Services If you have a concern.

Referral to various internal and external services is available. We will assist you to find what you need.

Once registered with Accessibility Services, which includes the initial identification of your needs, it is your choice to continue to disclose. We can liaise those conversations with AU staff if you are registered with our unit and request our assistance.

To have external to AU people involved in your accommodations, please provide us either or both of

Updated August 13, 2021 by Digital & Web Operations (